Physical Security

Whilst Technical Security measures are extremely effective in monitoring facilities and operations, especially identifying exceptions to normal status, there is always a need for physical protection. Doors, windows, gates, fences, and other elements can be designed to resist attacks of various types and intensities depending on the level of threat. Walls, floors and ceilings require equal consideration, and then there are the air vents, service ducts and other penetrations that can become vulnerabilities where they lack the necessary level of physical protection.

As part of our holistic approach, we consider the full range of physical security measures, all benchmarked against international standards, and then include these as part of our design process, where required.

You will find our consultants on the Register of Security Engineers and Specialists (RSES) and we are SABRE-licensed across all categories. CornerStone is also skilled in being able to carry out Hostile Vehicle Mitigation design.

Our viewpoint

Evaluating the environment

With our expertise, you can be confident that your facilities and key assets can be protected should they ever come under various types of physical attack. Our team of skilled Security Risk Consultants will conduct comprehensive surveys and research and work with Stakeholders to develop an accurate understanding of your risk profile. We'll then define physical security measures that will afford an appropriate level of protection.

Comprehensive view of your risk

Before it is possible to assess Physical Security requirements it is essential that threats and vulnerabilities are reviewed to fully evaluate the level of risk

Defining benchmark standards

One way to help articulate the type of protection required is to use a 'standards' based approach. We can help define the most appropriate standard for each situation

Protection through layers

Physical security protection is best delivered using a layering methodology requiring multiple layers to be defeated before a security breach can occur

Approved Security Equiment

Equipment should have been tested and certified by recognised and independent authorities and certification should stipulate details of its resistance performance

Hostile Vehicle Mitigation

To protect against 'vehicle as a weapon' attacks, the use of Hostile Vehicle Mitigation techniques can reduce the level of risk and protect vulnerable areas of a facility


Physical Security will be assessed as part of the SABRE certification process and mitigation plans and other advice developed to improve levels of protection

Our Approach

Physical security measures will form part of CornerStone's Holistic Approach to security and include our full range of Assessment, Design and Implementation services. The level and type of threat that an organisation is exposed to in addition to the vulnerabilities that might weaken its ability to resist an attack will determine the extent of measures that could be applied to improve protection. In addition to threat and risk based drivers there can also be regulatory or other reasons that protective security measures are required.

The shortly anticipated 'Duty to protect' law in the UK, will pass responsibility to consider the protective security needs of those in certain public spaces, to the space owner or manager. This is likely to have significant consequences and CornerStone are working with various stakeholders already to ensure its impact can be fully addressed.

Whatever the asset might be, we have solutions and techniques that can offer proportionate levels of protection along side the other layers of security.


Our experienced team of Security Consultants are able to support you at every level and through every stage of a project. We can help develop holistic security strategies that include the latest physical security solutions and ensure Protective Security design is effective and proportionate. Our Implementation Teams can ensure that your vision is realised and your physical security layers are able to protect your assets . Our Assessment Team can audit physical security measures and service provider's performance and verify that protection layers are functioning correctly and that you are receiving value for money.

We believe that an important aspect of our proposition is our independence. We do not supply equipment or provide installation services. You can relax in the knowledge that our objective is purely to ensure that the solutions we design are fully aligned with your requirements and where we can, exceed your expectations.

Requirement Scoping

We have a well developed process to help capture the various layers of requirements at a strategic, operational and tactical level

Threat Monitoring and Analysis

Before risk can be quantified, any prevailing threats need to be identified and analysed.

Penetration Testing

Physical Penetration Testing is an effective way of identifying gaps in security layers or weaknesses in service delivery

Compliance Monitoring

To confirm that policy and procedures are being adhered to our Compliance Monitoring service provides insight and intelligence that can be harnessed for improvement


Our Cyber proposition is focussed on the identification and quantification of Cyber Risk. We will advise on Cyber risk mitigation and define how it impacts all areas of security

Security Improvement Program

A security improvement program is a broad ranging activity that can impact any area of security and enable better alignment with corporate requirements or apply a more joined-up or holistic approach

Holistic Approach

Removing The Gaps

CornerStone has pioneered the development of contemporary security risk management practices over many years. Our Unified Security Risk Management® model provides a truly joined-up and inclusive way of addressing some of the trickiest security challenges. Through the development of a deep understanding of security risk we have established how its identification, quantification and mitigation can be utilised to improve an organisation’s security posture, reducing risk levels whist improving business resilience and preparedness. Read about our approach related to theses specialist areas.

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